A collage of the four nominated works.

The nominated performances for the Antonia Award are…

At least four performances are nominated for the Antonia Award 2022, which will be presented on Saturday, 11 June at the festival club. The jury may also nominate one of the Finnish-Swedish performances that will premiere during Hangö Teaterträff. The candidates are:

Carl Knif Company & Svenska Teatern & Riksteatern: Ett drömspel

Direction & choreography: Carl Knif
Playwright: Kris­to­fer Möl­ler, Carl Knif
Actors: Mår­ten An­ders­son, Per Bu­rell, Pat­rick Hen­rik­sen, Ok­sa­na Lom­mi, Pek­ka Lou­hio, Den­nis Ny­lund, To­bias Zil­lia­cus
Scenography: Erik Sal­ve­sen
Costume designer: Ka­ro­lii­na Koi­so-Kant­ti­la
Sound designer / Composer: Jan­ne Hast
Light designer: Juk­ka Hui­ti­la
Makeup & hair design: Tiit­ta Stoor
Photography: Valt­te­ri Kan­ta­nen & Ca­ta Por­tin
Production: Carl Knif Com­pa­ny, Svens­ka Tea­tern, Riks­tea­tern

Press photo from Ett drömspel.
Cata Portin

Lilla Teatern: Den besynnerliga händelsen med hunden om natten

Direction: Paavo Westerberg
Translation: Anna Simberg
Actors: Alexander Wendelin, Ulriikka Heikinheimo, Vuokko Hovatta, Robert Koch, Pia Runnakko, Joachim Wigelius, Cecilia Paul, gästande från Svenska Teatern
Scenography & costuming Sven Dahlberg
Video design Toni Haaranen
Light design Ville Aaltonen
Sound design Antero Mansikka
MakeupMilja Mensonen

Press photo from Den besynnerliga händelsen med hunden om natten.
Otto-Ville Väätäinen

Unga Teatern:  Fem mål mat – vad jag åt och vem jag åt det av

By: Christoffer Mellgren
Direction: Janne Pellinen
Scenography & costuming: Annina Nevantaus
Music, sound & light design: Jukka Hannukainen
On stage: Meri Anna Hulkkonen, Stella Laine, Walter Ruokolahti, Frank Skog, Kristian Thulesius

Press photo from Fem mål mat.
Christoffer Pettersson

Teater Viirus: ROCKY! Return of the Loser

By: Tue Biering
Translation: Marie Silkeberg (adapted by Martin Bahne and Marianne Möller)
Direction: Jussi Sorjanen on the basis of Tue Biering’s concept
On stage: Martin Bahne
Scenography: the working group on the basis of Peter Schultz’ concept
Light design: the working group on the basis of Mathilde Niemann Hüttell’s concept
Sound design: the working group on the basis of Ditlev Brinth’s concept
Technical advice: Henrik Bank

A press photo from Rocky.
Ernest Protasiewicz

This year’s jury consists of experienced festival collaborators: chairperson Antonia Ringbom, Erik ’Miki’ Pöysti, Riitta Ketelimäki, Anders Sundström, and Paul Olin.

The award will be presented at 10pm at the festivalcentre in Kulturmagasinet Victor.