Four youths stand with their backs to the camera, one throwing a dart at a big panel that says HTT and on which balloons filled with paint have been popped. The ocean lies in the background.


Hangö Teaterträff is an annual festival where performing arts are presented, experienced, discussed and developed. The festival is one of the main events within the Swedish-language theatre of Finland, connecting the local, international, traditional and experimental. It is a gathering of performing arts in the small town of Hanko in the unique archipelago of the southernmost point of mainland Finland.


“Hanko is lovely in June. Now it will be even lovelier, specifically the weekend of 12th to 14th. This year’s Teaterträff will be the first step towards a recurring theatre festival in Hanko. At this stage it’s quite small (read: poor), but all the nicer, more intimate…”

Thus rang the invitation for the first Hangö Teaterträff in 1992, a small-scale meeting point for theatre professionals and enthusiasts. During the past thirty years, Hangö Teaterträff has developed into an international festival which, by celebrating the diversity of theatre, has become a cornerstone of the vitality of Finland-Swedish theatre. Every year, audiences, artists and festival volunteers gather in Hanko for a lively discussion about the possibilities of theatre art.

The festival hosts a variety of Finnish and international artists. Hangö Teaterträff’s annual programme consists of 10–15 works, both international guest performances, Finnish premieres, theatre for children and youths and various special initiatives created exclusively for the festival. In addition, the festival offers a discursive programme on current issues in the field, as well as a club programme that brings the festival crowd together well into the night.

We have archived the programmes of our past festivals on our website. Read more about our past programmes.

Check out the festival’s previous programme leaflets from Hangö Teaterträff’s Issuu.