A wet raccoon looks curiously into the camera.

Club Trentebjörn

18+ Price: 0 € Length: 4 h Language: n/a

Club Trentebjörn: a poetic house party. 

One bar, one playlist, three authors.

At the bar, you can approach an author with your sorrows and infatuations, and together you can write a poem(ish) live. That which emerges is projected on screens. The playlist continues. At times the music is interrupted by a sudden recitation by a sudden poet. The party goes on.

The three performing bar poets – KiveläFellmanMoliis-Mellberg – are authors as well as members of the Society of Swedish Authors in Finland and this year’s Antonia Award jury. Taivassalo is an author, the chairperson of the Society of Swedish Authors in Finland, and the club’s Master of Ceremonies.

Bar poets: Malin Kivelä, Martina Moliis-Mellberg, Rosanna Fellman
Master of Ceremonies: Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo
Production: The Society of Swedish Authors in Finland & Hangö Teaterträff