LITTLE ANNA AND THE TALL UNCLE, new written play based on Inger and Lasse Sandbergs children’s book characters. The best friends Little Anna and the Tall Uncle decide to become detectives. The audience is invited to become secret agents. Nearby the house of Little Anna the main characters find mystical letters and plenty of abandoned properties. Who is this mystical messenger? And what can one do with all those trashy objects they find? The play is an adventure where the Little Anna and the Tall Uncle explore the surroundings and friendship using their imagination and ingenuity.
Actors: Meri Anna Hulkkonen & Robert Kock
Script: Oskar Pöysti
Directing: Aleksis Meaney
Scenography and costumes: Tiina Hauta-aho
Light design: Ada Halonen
Sound design: Kristian Ekholm
Music: Kristian Ekholm & Robert Kock