A young woman with short hair looks forward. Behind her are red and turquoise lines. AI drawing.

Johannes Ekholm: Inget att dölja

13+ Price: 0 € Length: 1 h Language: Swedish (Finnish & Swedish subtitles)

After a dramatic divorce, celebrity influencer Mimi (voice actor Antonia Henn) wants to clear her reputation. No one believes her version of events, so she decides to start “flowing”. She has a microchip implanted in her brain and then broadcasts all her thoughts live on the Flow podcast, which anyone can listen to. But the truth that emerges is not what she expected. Johannes Ekholm has written and directed a socially critical and dystopian drama (1×45 minutes) that feels eerily close to the present.

Inget att dölja premieres at Restaurant Makasiini on Thursday 6 June at 8:45pm. The work is illustrated by the help of AI visualisations and has both Finnish and Swedish subtitles.

The event begins with a short live program where Johannes Ekholm is interviewed by Matilda Gyllenberg from Svenska Yle, followed by a joint listening session and casual mingling with the working group.

The tickets are free and handed out at the door. If you want to make sure you have a spot at the premiere, contact .

Johannes Ekholm (b. 1984) is a writer and playwright who also works as a graphic designer. His debut novel Kärlek liksom (2017) quickly became a social phenomenon and was awarded the Kalevi Jäntti Prize. His novel Planet Fun Fun (2020) was one of three nominees for the Toisinkoinen award, and his third novel Karmakoma (2022) was honoured by the SLS. Johannes’ plays have been staged at Q-teatteri and the Finnish National Theatre, among others.

Writer and director: Johannes Ekholm
Sound design: Niko Ingman
Music: Timo Hietala
Video: Juho Risto Aukusti Lähdesmäki
Dramaturge: Are Nikkinen
With: Antonia Henn, Markus Riuttu, Robert Kock, Edith Holmström, Otto Ekman, Kia Svaetichin, Jessica Edén, Johanna Dikert, Are Nikkinen, Niko Ingman, Barbro Ahlstedt, Petter Lindberg
Executive producer: Marina Meinander
Executive editor: Johanna Törn-Mangs
Production: Svenska Yle