Karen Blixen/Anders Ahnfelt-Rönne: Babettes gästabud

Price: 15 Length: 1 h 45 min. Language: Swedish

On stage Anders Ahnfelt-Rönne plays general Löwenhielm in Karen Blixen’s wonderful and humouristic short story. In the light of the generals memories a number of extraordinary human destinies are brought together. The famous duet Là ci darem la mano from Don Giovanni by Mozart comes to change the life of the puritan Dean’s daughters in the yellow house in Berlevaag. But the dramatic story has its focus on the wonderful cook and servant Babette, who loses her son and husband in the civil war after the Paris Commune in 1871.

Dramatised by: Anders Ahnfelt-Rønne, after the short story by Karen Blixen
On stage: Anders Ahnfelt-Rönne