The family Lehtinen-Hök run a small company. They sell happiness, or well… at least some relief to our everyday lives. Their own everyday life isn’t as glorious. The new play by Teater Mars is looking for small answers to big questions. The family lives in a society where profitability comes before care, in a place where conflicts keep on growing between people and social classes. Like in Troja Mutanens hjärtbesvär from 2013, the group used a working method developed by the movie director Mike Leigh. The process starts from the character, from the observation of real people and relations, when the story itself is developed during the rehearsals.
Director, dramaturge, set designer: Joakim Groth
Technician: Valo Sauri
Actors: Max Bremer, Marika Parkkomäki, Willehard Korander, Julia Korander & Iida Kuningas
Production: Birgit Aittakumpu
Publicist: Andrea Brandt